Ronald aai pozadí
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General Abdul Majid Rouzi was an Uzbek commander of Arab Descent during the Afghan Civil war.He was allied with the forces of General Abdul Rashid Dostum.. In 1992 Rouzi was in charge of the overall command of the forces of Junbish.
Ronald Aiani 53 S Third St Ste 101 Warrenton, VA. 20186 US This file has been accessed a total of 819 times. Last accessed on Wed, 13 Jan 21 16:42:03 -0600.
General Abdul Majid Rouzi was an Uzbek commander of Arab Descent during the Afghan Civil war.He was allied with the forces of General Abdul Rashid Dostum.. In 1992 Rouzi was in charge of the overall command of the forces of Junbish.
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